There is 2 different kinds of happiness, the real and the fake. We all know that the real comes from God and the fake comes from Satan and we also know that the real is everlasting when the fake is temporal. Real happiness is not based upon what is going on in our lives, things that we have, other people, or our trials and hardships. For if it is, we truley aren't happy.
There is a scene in the movie About A Boy where Hugh Grant is talking to a boy Marcus who is about to commit social suicide by singing (horribly) in front of his entire school to make his mom happy. Hugh Grant tries to explain to Marcus that nothing that he does could make his mom happy because if people are the one's that make you happy, then they can also make you unhappy.
When life gets hard and seems unbareable, we need to remember what are real happiness is based upon. We need not to turn to the fake and temporal happiness; don't start to look around and find mediocre happiness because it will eventually make you even more unhappy.
Lego's make me happy... is that a problem?
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