Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's all fun in games till someone looses an eye

Going through today, I found myself recognizing all the things that I feel keep me safe, whether physically or emotionally. I woke up this morning from another bad dream with people fighting and dying. As I awoke disturbed and somewhat horrified, I felt comforted and safe be surrounded by my pillows. My fort of pillows has always made me feel safe when I am sleeping or just laying on my bed.

I got out of bed and got ready for school. On my way out I noticed that our door was still locked and was greatful for the lock keeping me safe that night from any intruders.

I jumped into my truck and buckled my seat belt, and drove to school. My seat belt has kept me safe in many instances. I have been in a few car wrecks, none of them my fault, and a few of them I wasn't driving. Without my seat belt I don't think I would be alive today.

I got to my first class which happened to be rackettball. How safer I felt while wearing my eye protection glasses. The ball came close to my face several times and so did a racket.

After that class was over, I went to my institute class. There's just a feeling in that building that is peaceful and safe. We talked about the gospel and Jesus Christ who is the safety net in life. The gospel provides safety in our life more than we could ever know.

I then went to my last class of the day- Wilderness skils. We learned how to fell out injury reports and how to deal with injuries on paper. Our fake injury we reported about was concerning a Pirate named Billy Bob who lost his only eye in a freak pole dual with our instructor while setting up a shelter. Oh, good times! So now if ever I someone gets hurt, I will know how to fill out the paper work! After that we cooked food over small burner stoves outside. Because we are in a "skills" class, safety is always first and is stressed constantly. However, I and half the class burned our tounges on the hot food that we had prepared. Looks like we will have to all fill out those injury reports.

I drove home, got ready for work, and was walking out to my truck when I crossed paths with a friend. As I gave him a hug I felt as though all the stress that was my mind had disapeard for those few seconds and everything in that moment was okay and I was safe.

I drove to work. When I got there, I met my co-worker Lee. I knew that I could rely on him and if anything went wrong he'd be there.

I got home and found my room mates and another friend of mine at my apartment. We all chatted, I did some homework, watched part of a movie and then walked to Wendy's with my friend to get some food. I'm glad he was there. It was good to have his company, but also it was later at night and having him there was good for safety reasons considering that I'm a girl and walking Provo at night, no matter the distance, isn't safe alone.

There are so many things in our lives that keep us safe. We just never stop to look, have gratitude for, or pay any attention to them. We take the little things such as a lock on our front door for granted. But that's life these days. We get so caught up in the big and busy things we don't stop to appreciate the small and simple things that actually save our lives.


At 3:51 PM, Blogger Sam Bryan said...

It is good to feel safe, but sometimes that could get you in trouble. Like the other day I was driving, doing my thing and before I knew it I was going 75. I guess what Im saying is that safty gives you confidence and wich could lead to overconfidence and that is when your in trouble.


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